Guided tours and workshops

Find out about scheduled and on-demand events at the Biblioteca Braidense and its educational services: guided tours, presentations, meetings, internships and training placements.

An afternoon in Braidense Guided tour - Youth and adults

May 17; June 14; July 12
2:30-3:30 p.m.

Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

An afternoon in Braidense

Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense organizes meetings intended for all those who wish to understand its history and curiosities.

Minilibri da polso Workshop - School

29.03 2023, 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Minilibri da polso

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) Workshops aimed at fourth and fifth grade elementary school classes and secondary school classes, curated by Beba Restelli.

Sorprese mobili Workshop - School

22.03 2023 – 24.03 2023, 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Sorprese mobili

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) Workshops aimed at fourth and fifth grade elementary school classes and secondary school classes by Libri Finti Clandestini.

A Golden Thread (1900-1938) Guided tour - School / Youth and adults

February 27th;
March 6th, 13th, 20th e 27th;
April 3rd;
10.00 a.m., 12.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

A Golden Thread (1900-1938)

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) Guided tours of the exhibition of the Prutscher collection of Viennese children’s books.

Mi mandi una cartolina? Workshop - School

15.03 2023 – 17.03 2023, 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Mi mandi una cartolina?

(ITLIAN LANGUAGE) Workshops aimed at fourth and fifth grade elementary school classes and secondary school classes by Clandestine Fake Books.

Herstories – Vivere, vagare e scavalcare Guided tour - Youth and adults

11.03 2023, 11.00 a.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Herstories – Vivere, vagare e scavalcare

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) Guided tour of the exhibition A Golden Thread (1900-1938), led by co-curator Lara Verena Bellenghi.

Cos’è un leporello? Workshop - School

08.03 2023, 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Cos’è un leporello?

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) Workshops aimed at fourth and fifth grade elementary school classes and secondary school classes, curated by Beba Restelli.

Non è tutto oro quel che luccica Workshop - Families and children / Intergenerational groups / Youth and adults

04.03 2023, 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Sala Maria Teresa

Non è tutto oro quel che luccica

(ITALIAN LANGUAGE) On the occasion of the exhibition “A Golden Thread (1900-1938),” the Braidense is hosting a workshop open to all by donor as well as former assistant to Bruno Munari, Beba Restelli.


Guided tours and workshops upon request

I servizi educativi della Biblioteca Braidense organizzano attività didattiche, visite guidate e stage formativi, destinati a diverse tipologie di utenti a titolo gratuito.

School-to-work alternation/PCTO Tirocini/Stage - School Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

School-to-work alternation/PCTO

Dedicated to students in the third and fourth year of Secondary School Institutions.

Training: internships and apprenticeships Tirocini/Stage - University Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

Training: internships and apprenticeships

Biblioteca Braidense hosts curricular internships/internships as part of agreements with universities.

What to look for and how to find in the library Workshop - School Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

What to look for and how to find in the library

This is a training course aimed at the last two years of high school, created in the spirit of providing theoretical and practical help in researching texts and information.

Fondo Manzoniano Guided tour - School Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

Fondo Manzoniano

Donation history and viewing of materials.

Do you know the Braidense? Guided tour - School / Youth and adults Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

Do you know the Braidense?

Meetings intended for all those who wish to understand the history and curiosities of the Braidense.

From the birth of the book to the library Workshop - School Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

From the birth of the book to the library

A journey through the history of paper from the late fifteenth century to the present day.