Storia dei fondi
The development of the Library was based, in addition to the material from the compulsory repository of printed books, on a number of substantial holdings that shaped its physiognomy and are presented briefly in this section of the website.
At first, acquisitions were selected with the idea of expanding the Library’s expertise by reflecting the encyclopedic ideal that characterized the late 18th century. From the end of the 18th century to the present, the Library has continued to enrich its holdings with new acquired or donated holdings aimed at maintaining the existing holdings and the subjects in which the Library wishes to specialize.
The description of the collections in the Library turns out to be the simplest system for understanding the characteristics of its holdings.
At present, only some fonds have maintained a topographical identity; others, however, have long since been dismembered in accordance with an organized placement according to logical or functional criteria.
More in-depth studies of the history of the Library and its holdings can be found among its publications.
Useful tips
Braidense Heritage
From the end of the 18th century to the present, the Library has continued to enrich its holdings with new funds purchased or donated, aimed at maintaining the existing holdings and the subjects in which the Library wants to specialize.